Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.

Maori Cultural Heritage Project
The purpose of the Māori Cultural Heritage Project (MCHP) is to improve the identification, mapping and protection of Māori cultural heritage.
Maori Cultural Heritage Project
Development of a methodology that provides a consistent and repeatable process for the information collection and assessment of sites and places of value to Mana Whenua (for the ultimate purpose of assisting in identifying options to appropriately protect these sites and places, including through scheduling in the PAUP). A key aspect of the project was to also support the capacity of Mana Whenua in the identification and recording of Māori cultural heritage values.
A Pilot project (year 1) was initiated where each Mana Whenua entity was given an individual login to a personalised Māori Cultural Heritage Project website. The website sets out the assessment methodology and spatial (GIS) aspects in relation to each of the pilot sites that they had individually selected. The intention was to use the pilot sites to test the assessment and recording of Māori cultural heritage values and determine the mechanisms for the management and protection of these values. The management of sensitive information was a critical requirement to support participation. Due to the iterative nature of the project and ongoing feedback from Mana Whenua refinements to the method and webtool continue to be made.
Mahi was also completed on how cultural landscapes might be recognised across the region and how the kōrero associate with them is reflected in design and planning practice.
Now at the end of its 2nd year the project continues to grow and become a private knowledge repository for Mana Whenua.