Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.


TONO: What is our tikanga for Aotearoa co-design? What does a tikanga Māori Co-Design / Social Innovation practice like?

We have lots of great contemporary co-design mahi happening that springs from core practices and wisdoms of Te Ao Māori. What are the important characteristics of a practice that reflects and enhances this place, that we can start to embed more widely across the narrative of Aotearoa co-design?

TONO: What is our tikanga for Aotearoa co-design? What does a tikanga Māori Co-Design / Social Innovation practice like?

We have lots of great contemporary co-design mahi happening that springs from core practices and wisdoms of Te Ao Māori. What are the important characteristics of a practice that reflects and enhances this place, that we can start to embed more widely across the narrative of Aotearoa co-design?

Māori Co-design Network & Inaugural Tikanga Māori Co-design Wānanga

The first Tikanga Māori co-design wānanga was held in Nov 2016, bringing together a multidisciplinary collaboration of committed Māori co-design practitioners, to connect, share, and learn about the practice of Māori-led co-design. With 55 practitioners and kaupapa whānau hosted by Ngā Ahō, Toi Tangata, Awa Associates and Unitec Masters in Creative Practice, the wānanga manifested an emerging network of Māori co-designers.

Attendees were welcomed onto Unitec's Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae to share stories and questions and begin to build ideas for tikanga Māori co-design frameworks. The afternoon event built on kōrero, mahi and connections from across recent co-design initiatives and programmes around the motu.

In this formative / wānanga kākano practitioners considered:
1) Pūrākau & whakapapa foundational practices
2) Tikanga & principles based practices

To read the initial scribing notes, download the PDF here.

Ngā Aho has established a co-design arm to support this timely and necessary network of practitioners to tautoko tikanga for Aotearoa co-design.

Follow-up co-design sessions were integrated with the Ngā Aho Wānanga-ā-Tau, Ōmaka Marae, Blenheim, 23–26 March 2017. Members have also since reconnected at the 2017 Design for Social Innovation Symposium in Ōtautahi.

Ngā Aho also acknowledges former work in this space in supporting the development of a te ao Māori voice in Toi Whitiki - the Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan for Auckland.

As our Kaumatua Haare Williams said - Awesomely awesome people!! Watch this space...


The Tikanga Māori Co-Design initiative is delivered in partnership with:



Tikanga Māori Co-Design



Many thanks to our hosts, Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae:

Te Noho Kotahitanga


Ngā Aho wānanga-a-tau, Ōmaka, Blenheim. Co-Design / Social innovation session. 2017

Tikanga Maori Co-Design


Dr Haare Williams and Dr Diane Menzies. Ōmaka Marae, Blenheim, 2017

Haare Williams, Diane Menzies. Omaka Marae 2017

© 2025 Nga Aho. The development of Nga Aho is proudly supported by Te Wananga o Aotearoa through the Awatoru Maori Economic Transformation by Design Project.     Nga Aho Society Rules |  Terms Of Use
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