Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.
In 2012, Ngā Aho, the national network of Māori Design Professionals, partnered with The Designers Institute of NZ and brought exciting, Māori values and relationships focused new award to the Best Design Awards, the Ngā Aho BEST award.
In 2019, the partnership between entities ceased due to fundamental cultural differences. The number of entries has rapidly grown since the award commencement, indicating a new and significant recognition of Māori culture as a valuable and awardable point of difference within the fabric of Aotearoa design communities. Ka Mau te Wehi design community!
In 2012, Ngā Aho, the national network of Māori Design Professionals, partnered with The Designers Institute of NZ and brought exciting, Māori values and relationships focused new award to the Best Design Awards, the Ngā Aho BEST award.
In 2019, the partnership between entities ceased due to fundamental cultural differences. The number of entries has rapidly grown since the award commencement, indicating a new and significant recognition of Māori culture as a valuable and awardable point of difference within the fabric of Aotearoa design communities. Ka Mau te Wehi design community!
The Ngā Aho Award for Aotearoaness recognised excellence in two areas:
1. Aotearoaness
Design that reflects a clear understanding of who we are and where we are in our unique corner of Moana nui a Kiwa, the Pacific Ocean, by responding to our indigenous culture, heritage and sense of place.
2. Collaborative practice
Design that results from meaningful collaboration.
Ngā Aho recognises the collaborative practice of ‘co-design’, requiring an effective and measureable engagement between designers and clients, as Best practice when working within and between cultures, whether that be:
• Māori or non-Māori Designers working with Māori clients, or;
• Māori and non-Māori Designers working with one another to express uniquely New Zealand design that exudes Aotearoaness, or;
• Non-Māori designers engaging with Māori people, culture and identity to develop work that seeks to expresses Aotearoaness.
Award Eligibility
The Award is open to any designers, design businesses, design collaborations, or design clients, who believe their project aligns with the Award Kaupapa / Purpose.
1. Aotearoaness
Auahatanga / Creativity and growth
Creative work that pushes the boundaries and explores the fringes of meaning and identity.
Kaupapa / Intent
Design that explores and articulates concepts, ideas, stories or meaning that responds to our indigenous culture, heritage and sense of place.
Tikanga / Process
Processes which promote cultural integrity in development of the design response.
Ahuatanga / Character
Design that achieves new heights in the expression of ‘Aotearoaness’ in a tangible way through style, form and character.
2. Collaboration
Whakawhānaungatanga / Relationship Development
Evidence of Designers actively seeking and developing meaningful relationships with their clients.
Kanohi ki te kanohi - Pakahiwi ki te pakahiwi / Co-design
Evidence of ‘co-design’ process through designers and clients working effectively ‘Kanohi ki te Kanohi - Pakahiwi ki te Pakahiwi’ – Face to face and shoulder to shoulder, exhibiting trust, respect and rapport.
Evidence of collaboration
It is expected that entries will be able to evidence a solid collaboration context through things such as:
• Joint submission of entry by both designer and client
• Client testimonial or endorsement of entry
• Written and or visual account of the relationship or engagement
• Provision of a suitable referee of standing who can be contacted by the judges for comment
Previous Winners
2014 // 'Te Whenua' Publication. Threaded Media ltd.
2014 // 'Te Uru Taumatua' building. Jasmax and Tūhoe Te Uru Taumatua & Arrow International.
2014 // 'Taka Ki Ro Wai' Publication. Tania&Martin & Keri Kaa
2014 // 'Carin Wilson' Brand. Studio Alexander