Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.


Steering Committee

Desna Whaanga-Schollum M.Sci-Comm (Distinction), B.Des (vis com), Toi Iho

Tairawhiti / TakitimuProject Management and Strategy, Environmental Planning and Management, Art, Design, Co-Design

Founding member
Nga Aho Chairperson 2016 - 2023
Co-Chair 2011-15


In order to be relevant and effective, I firmly believe that frameworks in which practitioners operate must be formed, delivered, and their ongoing development guided by the people and Places they serve. All meaningful work is contextual, guided by ethics, and seeks to deliver or further purpose.

My diverse range of projects are connected through the exploration and articulation of whakapapa, our Māori, tangata whenua, and ontology. I collaborate with a wide variety of communities and sectors, including academics, scientists, artists, business, and design professionals, to achieve results that affect change in people, practice, and Place. I am actively involved in international indigenous discourse, stakeholder engagement, and design strategy.

Master of Science Communication (Distinction)
Mātauranga Māori
2014 – 2017
Exploring relational mātauranga Māori values - how communication of these might be improved & contextualized within resource management development/engagement processes. Innovations are discussed via analysis of Māori ‘identity politics’ in research, science, design and art.

fax  021 289 1180

Desna Whaanga-Schollum

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