Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.


Steering Committee

Haare Williams (Kaumatua) 

Tamaki MakaurauArt

Pae Arahi
Hei paia i te ara e noho tahi ai, e mahi tahi ai nga taha e rua kia tau iawa ai nga oranga ki te katoa.

"A broker between two people, two organisations or two communities to gain benefits for members, thus meet their need to belong, to learn, to succeed and to grow."

Artist & Poet.

ph  09 298 1144

Haare Williams (Kaumatua)

Nga Aho is not responsible for Steering Committee content. Please contact us if you have any comments on the material here.

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