Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.


Whakapapa O Nohoanga - Waka Huia

What is the Whakapapa of our seating within the Marae context? The design research project Whakapapa O Nohoanga has produced a concept seating range developed through the methodology of 'Whakapapa'. This approach has lead to a design that acknowledges both Matauranga Maori and Science.

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Te Arawa

Nga Aho practitioner:
Jamaine Fraser

Other participants:
Dr. Julia Charity Jeremy Warnes Research Informants

Whakapapa O Nohoanga - Waka Huia

Inspired by the Waka Huia (Maori Treasure Box). Waka Huia were once hung from the rafters of the Wharenui (Maori Meeting House) of which contained taonga (treasures). The waka huia was brought down from the ceiling and opened to reveal the intrinsically embued taonga and allow the chief or a person of high status to select the appropriate adornments for different ceremonies.

The 'Huia', a bird now extinct since 1907 was is believed to be a connection between heaven and earth. It is known in Te Arawa that the person who is going to give a speech, purely through the action of standing, they acknowledge the connection between heaven and earth.

The seating range is proposed to hang and when needed, unfolded to allow the taonga of the poutama and raranga texture to complement the spiritual connection between heaven and earth.

The seating thus becomes a taonga in itself and should be treated as so. It is a package of taonga, as is the waka huia.

Primary proposed material is a composite of harakeke and bio based resin.


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