Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.


Hawke’s Bay Productivity and Innovation Through Design

This is a regional development project funded by NZTE through the HB Regional Council. The Awatoru Project Steering Committee agreed to allow the use of the Awatoru model for this HB project. A collaboration between Venture Hawke’s Bay and Creative Hawke’s Bay and Awatoru initiators Karl Wixon and Jacob Scott will begin the first year of a 3 year programme to help grow the economic outputs of key businesses in Hawke's Bay.

Hawkes Bay

Nga Aho practitioner:
Karl Wixon (CoChair)

Project participants (Nga Aho members):
Jacob Scott (Kāhui Whetu)

Other participants:
Venture Hawkes Bay Creative Hawkes Bay

Hawke’s Bay Productivity and Innovation Through Design

This proposal values a collaborative regional-centric approach, within a national and global outlook. In the context of economic transformation the Awatoru project applies design at three key levels;

1. The design of desired futures. 

2. The design of organisations to achieve those futures, in terms of organisational value maximisation strategy, culture, structure and systems.

3. The design of the products, services and experiences that rate high on desirability.

The ‘Awatoru Way’:

The project will use the Awatoru model for economic transformation by design as both the project framework, and as a model for implementing initiatives in the target economic development communities. The Awatoru model can be applied at multiple levels from facilitating the development of a strategic plan, through to major offshore market development initiatives. Such as that we are currently undertaking with Aotearoa Fisheries in Shanghai, as the worlds most rapidly growing emergent market for high value food, a market where Hawke’s Bay is showcased at the 2010 World Expo.

Whilst the model has been developed from, and informed by, the Tertiary Education Sector – it is anything but academic. It has been developed with a wide range of commercial, cultural and creative inputs – and tested and refined in practice through ‘real’ projects. The Awatoru methodology provides a design DNA and project methodology to give effect to the aspirations of the ‘Hawke’s Bay Productivity and Innovation Through Design’ Project.

© 2025 Nga Aho. The development of Nga Aho is proudly supported by Te Wananga o Aotearoa through the Awatoru Maori Economic Transformation by Design Project.     Nga Aho Society Rules |  Terms Of Use
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