Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.


Evidence for the Unitary Plan

I have prepared and presented evidence to the Independent Hearings Panel for the Unitary Plan in two parts. The first in respect to the Regional Policy Statement section for Maori social, cultural and economic development. The second for the district plan objectives, policies and rules for Maori land, Treaty settlement land and the Maori Purpose zone.

Auckland Region

All Mana Whenua of Tamaki Makaurau.

Nga Aho practitioner:
Jym Clark

Evidence Maoriland,TreatysettlementlandandMaoriPurposezone

Evidence for the Unitary Plan

The evidence I prepared supported the the Unitary Plan pertaining to Maori social, cultural and economic development which are articulated through the Maori land, Treaty settlement land and Maori Purpose zone provisions. The provisions had been developed with Mana Whenua in the years preceding through enhanced and early engagement. The provisions attracted significant support from Mana Whenua. Evidence to the Regional Policy Statement outlined the requirements upon council to respond to Part II of the Resource Management Act 1991 with respect to providing for the relationship that Maori have with their ancestral lands, culture and traditions. The purpose of the evidence was to responded to submissions from Mana Whenua and the general public and consider any relief sought. Two pieces of primary evidence and two rebuttal statements were prepared. Changes were made to parts of the provisions in response to Mana Whenua and the Independent Maori Statutory Board. This evidence should ensure that these objectives, policies and rules within the Unitary Plan will remain within the final recommendations from the Independent Hearings Panel.

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