Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.


Te Motu Kairangi

Watts Peninsular Community Engagement

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Ngai Tara, Ngati Ira, Rangitane

Nga Aho practitioner:
Tamatamaarangi Whiting

Te Motu Kairangi

The cultural and historical significance of Watts Peninsula was one of the main drivers for this design, the overlays of both Maori Pa sites, Prison grounds and Army Barracks all underline the many uses this land has endured. Watts new design sets out to establish a more recognised grounding amongst existing and future residents by creating strong cultural and heritage links to its former past and creating a distinct language for directing users around site. The design of these heritage sites derive a similar form with view shafts focused between grounded concrete walls and land form rolling in between. The inclusion of Pou and trees as a center piece reiterates the significance of each site and helps mark each space distinctly within the large landscape area. This relationship between the the interconnectedness of landscape development, and heritage sites will help to foster strong community engagement and understanding of its past.

© 2025 Nga Aho. The development of Nga Aho is proudly supported by Te Wananga o Aotearoa through the Awatoru Maori Economic Transformation by Design Project.     Nga Aho Society Rules |  Terms Of Use
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