Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.


Ngahere Kauta

This project involves strategies for the revitalisation of a rural marae on the right bank of the Whanganui River. The design presented is for a rustic kauta that utilises natural local materials.

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Te Pōti Marae (opposite Pipiriki), Whanganui River

Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi

Nga Aho practitioner:
Jade Kake

Ngahere Kauta

The main goal in the short term will be to make the additions necessary for Te Pōti to operate as a fully-functioning marae. Given the remote location and mauri of the site, development should be limited to built interventions that enhance the natural experiential qualities and environmental health of the site.

Vernacular styles and simple technologies are preferred over modernisation. On-site materials should be used wherever possible, and the design of new structures should consider the logistical requirements of barging materials to site. A portable mill could be barged over and used to carefully hand-log and mill some of the old growth native timbers towards the west of the site. 

Permaculture systems are strongly recommended, including the utilisation of natural spring water, rainwater tanks and gravity feeds, collection of solar energy for 12V lighting circuits, dry composting toilets, biogas cooking, and bio retention swales for overland flow management, stormwater and grey water treatment.

The planting of edible gardens, sufficient to support a small settlement and keeping in mind likely seasonal occupation patterns should be considered. The development of self-sustaining food forests, along with areas allocated for the cultivation of seasonal crops is recommended.

© 2025 Nga Aho. The development of Nga Aho is proudly supported by Te Wananga o Aotearoa through the Awatoru Maori Economic Transformation by Design Project.     Nga Aho Society Rules |  Terms Of Use
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