Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.



Main themes are concerned with magic and nature. Mauri has a huge impact on my practice and trying to apply tikanga knowledge through process and journey and materials themselves. One archive I am working on is a memorial which i intend on being a platform for knowledge sharing, healing and bridging gaps between all New Zealanders and an effort to educate everybody so that we don't get as many huge tapu issues through lack of knowledge of the Maori culture. One area of exploration is the protocol in the treatment of harakeke and also how special and important it is to us.

Nga Aho practitioner:
Katie Middleton


Main themes are concerned with magic and nature. Mauri has a huge impact on my practice and also learning and applying tikanga knowledge through process and journey and materials themselves. One archive I am working on is a memorial which i intend on being a platform for knowledge sharing, healing and bridging gaps between all New Zealanders and an effort to educate everybody so that we don't get as many huge tapu issues through lack of knowledge of the Maori culture. One area of exploration is the protocol in the treatment of harakeke and how important it is to us.
© 2025 Nga Aho. The development of Nga Aho is proudly supported by Te Wananga o Aotearoa through the Awatoru Maori Economic Transformation by Design Project.     Nga Aho Society Rules |  Terms Of Use
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