Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.


Masters Thesis

For the second year of our Master of Architecture we are required to complete a thesis paper. My topic will be 'The Architecture of Maori Healthcare' – Whakaora, to save, rescue, resuscitate, revive, restore to health, cure, heal.

Nga Aho practitioner:
Jillian Owler

Masters Thesis

It is now widely recognised that the current healthcare model does not meet the needs of Māori. The focus is now shifting to healthcare along tikanga Māori guidelines, which incorporate whanau, marae, hapu and iwi. While there are a small but growing number of Māori healthcare clinics they are still built along conventional medical guidelines.My proposal is to design a healthcare facility that is derived from the Māori (iwi/hapu) perspective. I propose to use tikanga or kawa to determine the functionality of the project. This project will be specifically aimed at healthcare for Māori.
© 2025 Nga Aho. The development of Nga Aho is proudly supported by Te Wananga o Aotearoa through the Awatoru Maori Economic Transformation by Design Project.     Nga Aho Society Rules |  Terms Of Use
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