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Rau Hoskins   B.ARCH M.ARCH (HONS)

Pae Matua

Tamaki Makaurau Project Management and Strategy, Design, Architecture

Ngāpuhi + Ngāti Wai

Rau Hoskins is a director of the design Tribe architectual practice specialising in kaupapa Maori design. Rau has lectured in Maori architecture at the Auckland and UNITEC School’s of Architecture since 1990 and currently co-heads Te Hononga - The Centre for Maori Architecture and Appropriate Technologies at Unitec. Rau wrote the Maori Housing design guide in 2002 and is chaired the steering group that developed the Te Aranga Maori Cultural Landscape Strategy in 2006.

Rau is the Chair of Te Matapihi, the national Maori housing support body and an adviser to the Minister of Housing on the Social Housing Unit and Social housing policy.

Rau presented the 13 part Whare Maori television series which screened on Maori Television in 2011.

m  021 658 019
ph  09 3766975

Rau Hoskins

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