Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.
Pae Matua
Tamaki Makaurau Co-Design, Project Management and Strategy, Environmental Planning and Management, Art, Design
Ngāti Manuhiri + Ngāti Wai
Principal Urban Designer at Jacobs.
Strategic Urban Designer, Urban Planner and Māori Design Specialist. As a Māori Design Specialist, I provide expert Urban and Māori design advice on policy and guidance documents, plan changes, masterplans, development proposals and place-based projects, in order, to shape, promote and improve the quality of the built environment.
I have broad involvement in transformational projects, city activations, Iwi engagement, community consultation processes, development proposals and Resource Consent Projects. My main area of expertise and focus is in Kaitiakitanga and and co-design to embed Mana Whenua values into design and programme outcomes.
I have over 20 years design experience commencing with a Bachelor of Design in 1998 and culminating with a Masters of Urban Planning (prof) and Masters Urban Design(Hons) from the University of Auckland School of Architecture and Planning in 2014. My professional practice involves integrating mātauranga Māori in urban design, indigenous friendly cities, and cultural identity in urban-scapes.
My inspiration is driven by Te Taiao (our natural world). Implementing environmental solutions for a better future through regenerative design. Interweaving contextual understanding of place and multigenerational indigenous knowledge, enables innovative solutions. When design processes are inclusive and informed by indigenous knowledge, combined with new modes and technologies, outcomes have transformational urban, social and environmental results.
I work collaboratively across multidisciplinary teams for finding best integrated design solutions.
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