Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.
Pae Tahi
Tamaki Makaurau Architecture
Ngāti Raukawa + Te Arawa
Ko Ngongotaha me Taranaki oku maunga
Ko Awahou me Patea oku awa
Ko Te Arawa me Aotea oku waka
Ke Ngati Rangiwewehi me Nga Rauru oku iwi
Ko Maia Ratana ahau
Kia ora tatou
I am from the beautiful city of Rotorua where I spent my childhood before moving to Auckland to attend university. In 2008 I began a Bachelor of Music majoring in violin performance at the University of Auckland but realized a year into the degree that my passion lay in architecture. I am currently in my second year of the Bachelor of Architectural studies programme at Unitec.
As the tauira co-ordinator for Ngā Aho, I hope that I will be able to contribute considerably on behalf of Ngā Aho and the student body. My goal is to make other Māori students aware of Ngā Aho’s benefits and significance as well as raise the number of student attendees at the annual Ngā Aho hui.
In the future I’d also like to initiate and encourage more Māori youth into the design industry.
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