Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.
Kaupapa Whanau
Te Whanganui-a-tara Project Management and Strategy
Tena koe e hoa ma,
Ko Taranaki me Ngati Airani i te iwi
Ngaruahine i te manawhenua
Ko Taranaki i te maunga
Ko Kaupokunui te awa, ko te whenua ra hoki
Ko Aotea i te waka
Ko Maraeturi i te maae
Ko Turi me Manaia te tangata korua
Ko Haki toku papa, Ko Makareti taku mama
Ko Trevor taku ingoa.
I work for the Ministry of Education as a Kaitatari Matamua in the Tertiary Education Group with a particular portfolio interest in tertiary education policy and kaupapa Maori issues. Prioring to arriving here in March 2001, I spent nearly 3.5 years at Te Puni Kōkiri doing related mahi.
Prior to that. I have taught at Victoria University of Wellington, the University of the West (Timisoara, Romania) and the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. After a stint as a National Advisor at the Tertiary Education Commission, I worked as a consultant to NZQA.
My academic interests are eclectic and recent publications reflect increasing interdisciplinary ambits, traversing such as areas as postcolonial theory; subaltern studies; nineteenth century NZ history; post-marxist theory, theories of public sector management, kaupapa whanaketanga Maori and others.
I was the principal researcher for Te Matawhanui treaty claim on tertiary education and have previously provided historical research for treaty claims in Taranaki ki tonga. I try to get back there as much as I can.
I am currently interested in how the tertiary system can enable more postgraduate achievement for Maori, and my interest in supervision, mentorship and indigenous tertiary education initiatives may lead me to undertaking a PhD to examine these issues more closely.
Ka hiahia te tautokotia me awhinatia i te kaupapa o Nga Aho, ara, te whanaketanga o pukenga Maori, ka whakatipuranga te kakano o tatou rangatahi katoa. No reira, ki oku whakaaro nei, ka whakahoa me kaitautoko i te roopu nei. Nga mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa.
Mauri ora!
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