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Craig Pauling   BRS & PG Cert Soc. Sci / PG Cert App. Sci.

Pae Matua

Te Wai Pounamu Project Management and Strategy, Environmental Planning and Management

Ngāti Mutunga + Ngāi Tahu + Kāi Tahu + Kati Mamoe + Waitaha

Resource/Environmental Management
Ecological Restoration/Native Plant Landscape Design
Environmental Science/Research/Monitoring

I have been privileged to work with my iwi over the decade and a bit on a range of projects that have focussed on strengthening the role and place of mātauranga in the contemporary landscape.

I live in Ōtautahi, under the shadow of Ōtumatua, a significant hillock on the Port Hills overlooking Halswell and the South West of Christchurch with my wife Janyne (no Te Tai Poutini) and our three tamariki Mihiroa, Meihana and Tainui.

m  021 874 317
fax  021 874 317

Craig Pauling Boffa Miskell Ltd

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