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Jacob Scott (Kāhui Whetu)  

Pae Matua

Tairawhiti / Takitimu Art, Design, Architecture

Ngāti Raukawa + Te Arawa + Ngāti Kahungunu

Jacob Scott - Principal of Scott Design, former Director Te Kura Toi o Te Wananga o Aotearoa and founder and Head of EITs Art & Design School, is one of our countries pioneers in contemporary Maori Art and Maori Arts Education. Highly regarded as an architectural designer and artist Jacob led the development, accreditation and establishment of the Maunga Kura Toi Degree – New Zealand’s first degree level programme in whakairo (maori carving) and raranga (maori weaving). As a past member of the whakaruruhau whakairo (national educational development committee for maori carving) and honorary holder of the Toi Iho Mark (mark of authenticity and quality for m?ori artists) - Jacob is frequently called upon to assist with the development, delivery and review of Maori arts programmes throughout the country.

m  027 221 4385
ph  06 8750 673

Jacob Scott (Kāhui Whetu)

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