Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.

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Lisa Te Heuheu   BSc, Dip EnvMgt, PGDip Mgt

Pae Matua

Arawa / Mataatua Project Management and Strategy, Environmental Planning and Management

Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga + Ngāpuhi

I am passionate about Māori achieving their aspirations in regards to the environment and sustainable development. I have a background in Resource and Environmental Planning and Māori natural resource management. I have worked in private practice, for Iwi and Hapū, in the Public Sector and in Research Institutes. For me, the opportunity to do mahi that is challenging, innovative and for the benefit of Māori collectively is completely satisfying, and provides a path to contribute to the future of our tamariki.

m  0211337387
fax  0211337387

Lisa Te Heuheu LMK Consulting Ltd

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