Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.
Pae Matua
Tamaki Makaurau Project Management and Strategy, Engineering, Environmental Planning and Management, Design
Te Rarawa + Ngāti Hine + Ngāpuhi
Ko au te wai, Ko te wai ko au – I am the water, the water is me
This is an important whakatauki to me as a water design professional of Maori descent. It is a subtle reminder that water is a treasured taonga which we, as humans, are intrinsically linked to. If we preserve and protect our water, it in turn will look after us and the generations that follow. I have been very fortunate to be able to dedicate my career to the essence of this whakatauki.
At the start of my career I identified as a civil engineer working mainly on the design and construction of infrastructure based projects. Throughout the development of my working life I have increasingly gravitated towards stormwater management, discovering a passion and ability for water sensitive design in particular. As a stormwater practitioner, I am proud to have been able to play a part in designing solutions to protect and restore the quality of our waterways and the environment.
From a personal perspective I see an opportunity in my professional stormwater management role to better apply matauranga Maori to preserve resources, their mauri and their mana.
Ko wai au? Ko wai au – Who am I? I am water
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