Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.
Pae Tahi
Tamaki Makaurau Architecture
Ngāti Whātua + Ngāti Porou
Ko Whetumatarau me Pahinui oku maunga,
Ko Awatere me Waipoua oku awa,
Ko Tuwhakairiora te Tangata,
Ko Hinerupe me Matatina oku marae,
Ko Ngati Porou ratou ko Ngati Whatua, ko Te Roroa oku iwi,
Ko Horouta me Mahuhu-ki-te-Rangi oku waka,
Ko Brooking ratou ko Nathan oku whanau,
He whakapapa Hāmoa anō hoki au.
E whai hoki ana a au i ngā mahi hoahoa whare i Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka, ā, koinei te tau tuatoru e ako pēnei ana au.
Born and raised in Waitakere, I'm currently studying in my first year of a Masters of Architecture (Prof) this 2015. I look forward to seeing how humanitarian architecture, Māori design, and more widely, indigenous design can add value by reflecting the region’s history and stories - whilst focussing on community and its social issues at hand.
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