Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.
Pae Tahi
Tairawhiti / Takitimu Design, Art
Te Atihaunui-a-Paparangi, Taranaki
Mai te Kahui Maunga, puta atu ki Tangaroa, ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au\\\". Tirohia atu ko Taranaki e tu mai ra, hei whakaruruhau ki nga uri heke iho.
From the Central Plateau Mountain Cluster to the sea, I am the river, the river is me. Cast a glance to the west where Taranaki resides, a shelter for the multitudes, past, present and future.
My descent traces it\\\'s ancestry from two countries, Ireland and Aotearoa. Both cultures enjoy a long history of visual imagery reflecting their duality of mythical origin and tribal identity. This imagery is just as important today as it was generations gone, to ensure the stories and relevances of the time are depicted and recalled through intricate detail and choice of media. The visual imagery of our ancestors is the keyhole through which a deeper understanding of the culture\\\'s values and beliefs can be appreciated.
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