Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.
Pae Matua
Tamaki Makaurau Project Management and Strategy, Environmental Planning and Management, Art, Design, Landscape Architecture, Architecture
Ngāti Porou
Steve Hutana M.Arch (Prof) NZCAD(arch) Ngati Porou. Nga Aho member 5yrs. Director WakaTipua Architecture ltd and Hutana Design ltd.
Whakatipuria te matauranga mai te whenua, te iwi me te mahi hoahoanga
WakaTipua Architects is an indigenous focused practice with over 30 yrs experience.
With 4 Maori Directors we are one Practice operating in three regions of Tamaki Makaurau (Otara in the South, Albany in the North, Henderson in the West)
WTA Specialize in a matauranga Maori design led approach to commercial trans_cultural architecture, Landscape Architecture, urban planning with a honed passion for reflecting cultural, heritage identity in innovative contemporary ways.
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