Indigenous brands, Maori business, Kaupapa Growth and innovation, collaborative pilot projects, culture connection and exchange, design enabled economic, culturally enriched.


Steering Committee

Te Marino Lenihan LLB; BA

Te Wai PounamuProject Management and Strategy, Environmental Planning and Management, Design

Legally trained. Never acted as a lawyer, but have close to 20 years experience advocating for whanau/hapu/iwi values, narratives and aspirations within the built and natural environments. I have contracted to and worked within local government to establish and/or strengthen the recognition and provision of the Treaty of Waitangi principles within both strategies/policies/plans and actions. I have worked directly with crown, private and tribal developers on behalf of my hapu and iwi (including Pegasus Town and CERA) to express our culture within design, and now run a boutique consultancy called K4 Cultural Landscape Consultants Ltd.

ph  021983302

Te Marino Lenihan

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