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Haley Hooper   M.Arch

Pae Tahi

Tamaki Makaurau Architecture, Design, Environmental Planning and Management


Form. Movement. Time. Word. Urban. Inbetween. The built life we live within.

I am Graduate Architect, with a particular belief in the importance of context driven architectural responses. Land is what gives architecture its foundation and this is the first point from which I believe architecture should be considered, followed by; Geography - the relationship of human activity to physical land features; Movement - how we experience the geography of place, space + form.

I see Architecture as a process of establishing connectivity and spatial relationships that are intricately related to the context from the minute to the global, a process of human association and delight delivered through a well considered built experience...

. He Whenua . He Tangata . He Whare .

m  021 055 0021
fax  021 055 0021

Haley Hooper

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